BioRob is a unique conference organized by the IEEE Societies of Robotics and Automation (RAS) and Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBS).
BioRob 2022 will be held in the Global Education Center for Engineers (GECE) at Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
The conference will run during August 21-24, 2022 including plenary sessions, contributed paper sessions, workshops and tutorials, contributed posters, exhibitions and more.
Sponsorship of BioRob is an excellent opportunity for an organization, large or small, to gain exposure in front of the world’s leaders and future leaders in medical robotics, neuroscience of neural repair, and physical medicine from all over the world to explore cutting-edge ideas and results in the area.
Please join us in contributing and participating in BioRob 2022 in Seoul, South Korea.
Sponsorship and Benefits
In addition to conference attendees, your sponsorship will also be prominently visible to everyone visiting the conference website (grouped by sponsorship level).
Many conference attendees would be in a position to include your organization's products and services in the next generation of Bio-robotic solutions.
All sponsorship funds will be used to enhance the quality of the conference and to keep the registration fees to a minimum to enable broad participation, especially by talented students.
Detailed Categories for Sponsors
Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | |
Benefits | $20k USD | $10k USD | $5k USD | $3k USD |
Complimentary full conference registration(s) including conference banquet, welcome reception | 8 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
Listing linked company logo on conference website | As Platinum | As Gold | As Silver | As Bronze |
Identified as sponsor or exhibitor on conference program, and conference proceedings | ||||
Logo on publicity & displayed on-site | As Platinum | As Gold | As Silver | As Bronze |
Identified as sponsor on monitors/screens during the conference | ||||
Advertisement in conference program | Ad on the rear cover | One-page Ad | One-page Ad | - |
Material included in registration packet | Pamphlet ad | One-page Ad | One-page Ad | - |
Company name and logo on the Opening Slide | ||||
Company name on the Welcome Sign | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Exhibit Table | 2 | 1 | - | - |
For any questions, please feel free to email the conference secretariat: